The skinny on Immunity and how to support it!

Isn’t that what we are all talking about? 

How do we stay healthy and maintain a strong immune system as the Novel Cornoavirus (nCoV) makes it’s way around the globe. 

What is your immune system? 

Well, the immune system is the body’s number #1 defense mechanism against potentially harmful invaders. Our immune systems are made up of various cells, tissues, and substances, including the skin, red and white blood cells, healthy strains of bacteria, antibodies, and cytokines (1) (3), which help to regulate your responses to infection, immune responses, inflammation, and trauma. From the moment we are born, immunity develops as we grow, learning to identify and defend itself against foreign invaders.

How does our immune system become weakened? 

Several factors!

  1. Antibiotic use 

  2. Nutritional deficiencies (e.g., vitamins A, B, C, D, and E, copper, iron, selenium, zinc) 

  3. Chronic stress 

  4. Excessive alcohol consumption 

  5. Refined sugars

  6. Poor digestion

  7. Insufficient or poor quality sleep

  8. Physical inactivity 

  9. Smoking

  10. Food and environmental pollutants. 

What can you do to support it?

  1. EAT A HEALTHY DIET!!!! Research tells us that poor nutrition impairs immune function and increases susceptibility to disease.

  2. Eat fresh garlic and onions 

  3. Avoid refined sugars ( this weakens your immune system significantly)

  4. Drink plenty of pure water

  5. Increase your fibre intake by eating more plants

  6. Avoid trans and hydrogenated fats (NO MARGARINES!!)

  7. Increase your dark green, leafy vegetables

  8. Move your body to increase circulation and increase your body’s detox pathways like sweating and bowel movements.

  9. Dry skin brush! This stimulates your lymphatic system, increasing detoxification and improving circulation.

Immune Building vs. Immune Boosting


Immune builders are  necessary components to keep our immune systems strong. 

For example, probiotics are so essential to our immune system. Without a healthy gut microbiome, we are at high risk of contracting any number of infections and diseases (2). Antioxidants like Zinc, vitamins A, E, C , selenium, vitamin D, EFA’s (essential fatty acids) B vitamins and minerals all are also considered immune supportive, and need to be a part of your daily diet intake. 

Immune boosters do not help to build our immune system, but rather stimulate it. An example of an immune booster would be Echinacea or Goldenseal. “Boosting” or stimulating the immune system is NOT safe for everyone, especially if you suffer from an autoimmune issue, as their immune systems are already in overdrive. Immunity is built over time, and cannot be increased instantly to combat acute infection if it hasn’t had time to strengthen and become robust.

The important take away here is, to maintain a healthy immune system, you must also lead a healthy lifestyle. There’s not one thing that you can take that will make you invincible against a virus or bacterial infection, but with a daily routine of eating healthy clean food, adequate rest and exercise and low stress, we can stay strong and feel equipped to fight off whatever we may come in contact with. 

Here’s to your health!