Holistic Nutrition Services


What is Holistic Nutrition?

Holistic nutrition is a natural approach to health, with a focus on wellness and prevention using evidence based techniques from modern science and research. It is based on the philosophy that each person has unique nutritional requirements, and so requires a unique approach. It also recognizes the connections between the body mind and spirit, looking at your complete health history, emotional/mental health, lifestyle and dietary habits to give a well rounded approach to your health. 

As a Certified Holistic Nutrition Consultant, I am first and foremost an educator in wellness and prevention. My comprehensive training focuses on science, body functions and symptoms, whole foods, quality food production, natural source supplements, healthy lifestyle practices and the connections between mind, body and spirit. I use nutrient dense food suggestions, recipes and lifestyle recommendations. All my information is science based and study supported.    

CHNC’s have a strict scope of practice and code of ethics, and work well with and alongside allopathic and alternative healthcare providers.


discovery session

20 minutes - Complimentary

This is an opportunity for us to discuss your health goals and concerns and whether a holistic approach is right for you. 

This can be done in person or online via skype or facetime. 


 1:1 Single Nutrition Consultation

60 minutes


 Let’s get down to it! Once we have met for your 20 minute discovery session, we are ready to dive in. 

  • We will review your health history information that I will  have already collected from you prior to this appointment.

  • 5 day food journal review

  • I will offer you nutrient dense food suggestions focusing on whole foods and lifestyle recommendations with practical goals

  • I’ll give you a detailed summary from the session so you have it for reference

  • I’ll provide you with a 1 day meal plan specific to you complete with recipes and a shopping list to make it easy.


 Personalized Nutritional Assessment Package

This is a deeper dive. One 90, 60, 30 minute session spread out over 6 weeks


 Initial 90 minute session

  • We will review your health history information that I will have already collected from you prior to this appointment.

  • 5 day food journal review.

  • I will offer you nutrient dense food suggestions focusing on whole foods and lifestyle recommendations with practical goals.

  • I’ll give you a detailed summary from the session so you have it for reference.

  • I’ll provide you with a 7 day meal plan specific to you complete with recipes and a shopping list to make it easy.


60 Minute Follow Up

  • How are the recommendations from the first visit going?  

  • If you struggled with anything, you will leave with the tools to help you. 

  • Some new and more specific recommendations are given this time, specific to what challenges you are facing, or what’s improving.


30 Minute Follow Up

  • Similarly to the 60 min. visit, we monitor how things are going.  

  • We may customize things further based on your diagnosis or testing and health goals.  If dietary changes are going well, then other aspects of your wellness will now be introduced. 

  •  We also decide if any more visits are needed.  Are you ready to move forward on your own, or do you still need some support and guidance?  

  • We move at a pace that suits you.

  • This is the last session.


30 Minute Add-On Sessions - Additional Cost

This is for those who need more support and fine tuning.



Meal Planning Services

3 day meal plan

5 day meal plan

7 day meal plan


Extra Add Ons

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Pantry Clean Up

Do you need some help going through that pantry and ridding yourself of some of the inflammatory foods that you now know aren’t good for you or your family?

I’ll help you learn how to look at labels for those hidden ingredients that are contributing to a decline in your health. Receive 10% off when purchased with a nutrition consultation.


Private Cooking Class

If navigating the kitchen isn't on your list of skill sets, let me show you how it's done!

Existing clients, if you chose to add this on, will be taught how to meal prep to execute their personal meal plans, non-nutrition clients will learn how to prepare some basic healthy meals. This is a wonderful way to compliment your personalized plan, or a great way to ease yourself into healthy lifestyle changes!


Grocery Store Tours

Store of your choice. 10% off when purchased with nutrition consult.

Are you ever confused as to what to look for on the labels of food products? Do you need some support in choosing which products are going to support the health changes you’re making? 

Grocery store tours are a great way to get re -acquainted with your local grocery store, but from a new healthful perspective. Or maybe the health food store is where you feel intimidated, and would like to have a guide as to what foods to look for. 


 “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food”



 Not quite sure what you need?
