Massage Therapy

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Massage therapy consists primarily of hands-on manipulation of the soft tissues of the body, specifically, the muscles, connective tissue, tendons, ligaments and joints for the purpose of optimizing health. 

I am a Registered Massage Therapist with 10 years of experience. Over the years I have trained in orthopedic massage, pre and postnatal care, manual lymphatic drainage technique, oncology massage, temporomandibular joint dysfunction, various stretching protocols amongst many other techniques. 

I have seen a direct connection between a healthy diet and a healthy muscular system. Before I had my nutrition education, I was left with holes in my physical assessments with clients, often left perplexed as to why a client wasn’t improving and why tissue would take so long to recover.

I had a basic understanding of the impact of good nutrition but didn’t really understand the depth as to which it affected the muscular system. This left me researching causes of chronic inflammation, slow recovery, recurring injury and so on. 

Connecting the dots between optimal nutrition and soft tissue repair, and response post massage became obvious the more I learned about nutrition and holistic approaches to health.

I observed the dramatic effects a poor diet and lifestyle had on soft tissue health and was inspired to give people more support to accelerate their recovery time, and reduce recurrence of soft tissue dysfunction and injury. 


 Massage Therapy Services

60 Minute Massage  Prenatal/ Therapeutic/ Relaxation

90 Minute Massage  Prenatal/ Therapeutic/ Relaxation

30 Minute Massage Therapeutic/Relaxation


rapid Neurofascial Reset

15 Minute Lower Body NFR

Yoga Twist

RAPID NeuroFascial Reset™, is a neurologically based,  active, therapeutic technique that addresses the central nervous systems role in alleviating tension and restrictions within the body. 

Some of the conditions that can be quickly resolved with RAPID-NFR include:

  • headaches /migraines

  • back pain

  • carpal tunnel syndrome

  • shin splints

  • shoulder pain

  • sciatica

  • plantar fasciitis

  • knee problems

  • tennis/ golfers elbow

  • whiplash

  • TMJ

  • frozen shoulder

  • bursitis

  • bunions and arthritic joints


Massage Techniques


Therapeutic Massage

People suffering from medical conditions like Chronic body aches, postural imbalances, weight issues, sports injuries, fibromyalgia, carpal tunnel, tendonitis and repetitive strain related injuries, TMJ dysfunction all greatly benefit from a professional therapeutic massage session.

Therapeutic massages are used as complementary treatments in dental, chiropractic , physio and cancer care.

Neuromuscular therapy, trigger point therapy, orthopedic massage and myofascial release are some of the techniques used in therapeutic sessions.

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Relaxation Massage

Relaxation massages will help your skin glow & rejuvenate your body. Using smooth and long strokes, the primary purpose will be to help you relax: calm your nervous system, relieve stress & promote a sense of well being.

I work at your limit of pain in order to release tension in the body. During a relaxation massage there is less emphasis on working out serious adhesions or knots in the muscle tissue. Some people go into such a deep relaxation that they even fall asleep.

A relaxation massage has substantial health benefits: improving blood circulation & stimulating the body’s lymphatic system, which carries away waste products, helps with insomnia, promotes clarity of mind and emotional balance.



 Not sure which massage service to book?
